Retention and re-entry/enrolment

Retention and Re-entry/Enrolment

Target of (approximately 200,000) out-of-school children (OOSC) and children at-risk (ARC) of dropping out of school due to poverty, social and cultural aspects, and those who are in tough environments in 15 Counties in Western Kenya and North Rift. So far, RHD has;

  • Conducted baseline research on Child Rights Education Status in Western Kenya region and North Rift with a focus on the causes of school dropout – out of school children (OOSC) and children at-risk (ARC). This document emphasizes on the mechanisms to be employed to address education barriers and ensures to get all children into the classrooms, making special effort to reach girls and children with disabilities.
  • Conducted school enrolment support to 2,416 girls and 1,233 boys who were never enrolled to attend primary education.
  • Conducted 3 remedial learning support classes programs to 231 low performing students to help keep them in school.


In order to eliminate obstacles facing children and help them to realize their education right, RHD adopted a rights-based approach to community work related to child education, protection and development. We put more emphasis on Child rights programming that involves the practical application of the UN CRC to bring about real changes in the lives of all children. Essentially, a child rights-based approach integrates the norms, standards & principles of the international human rights system into the plans, policies & processes of programme development for children. RHD approaches and interventions on education are child centered, scalable, and sustainable and innovation friendly. We employ well proven strategies to address different barriers that faced by children in marginalized areas, and hardest to reach children and families. We do so by establishing 21st Century approaches and interventions within communities aimed at enabling every needy child to fulfill their right to education by helping them access and complete education. RHD approach to School drop-out relationship diagram (OOSC and At-Risk Children-ARC).

Factors leading to school drop-out among girls

Institutional Based initiatives:

We offer;

  • Scholarship/ Sponsorship Support to bright but needy children
  • Home-based care kits and medical supplies including educational materials.
  • Equipment donations for OVC support sites and Schools.
  • Construction and Rehabilitation of learning institutions
  • Providing sanitary pads to adolescent girls and upgrading sanitation facilities; or water projects for schools or clinics in rural areas with a high prevalence rate of diseases.
  • School feeding programs in hunger-stricken areas to help keep children in schools.
  • Establishing gender-friendly school environments in schools.
  • Developing local language audio-visual resources and supplementary readers for use in schools.
  • Provide training in life skills covering health, hygiene, reproductive health, pregnancy and marriage, and sexual abuse
  • Support children living with disability and HIV/AIDS Circles
  • We also provide children with school supplies and scholastic materials such as backpacks, stationery items, uniforms, computers, or anything else that contributes to a better learning environment.

Fundamental Child Rights initiatives:

We have established programs that seek to promote children’s fundamental rights mostly in rural and peri-urban communities involving;

  • Supporting extra-curricular clubs e.g. inter school debate contests, drama, arts, female learners’ forums, Girls reading clubs), football or sport in general.
  • Stop violence, exclusion and discrimination against children.
  • Legal support for abused children.
  • Relief of poverty among children.
  • Advocating for the rights of all children through Child Right-Bases Approach
  • Elimination of outdated cultural practices like FGM and Forced Early Marriage

About RHD

RESOURCE HUB FOR DEVELOPMENT (RHD) is a registered national, non-governmental, non-profit, non religious, non-political, humanitarian and development Organization.

Contact Us

Resource Hub for Development Makogilo road, off Kisumu Northern bypass Box 1425 – 40100 Kisumu, Kenya


Something pretty incredible happens when we get intentional about serving through volunteering. Through voluntary service, we can multiply our talents and abilities for even greater potential than we can even imagine.

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